

i'm a scoundrel, a rascal, a scallywag, a rapscallion, a ne'er-do-well, a miscreant, a rascal, a hooligan and second-best at synonyms only to

hi! i'm Fool. originally, for username terms, i just wanted an oxymoron that felt applicable (theintelligentfool), but i couldn't very well introduce myself in servers by asking people to address me as "intelligent", y'know, and i always liked nicknames that, when "real" names aren't available, were shortenings of a username. it just feels more honest. i've been using fool as a nickname/name long enough it's gone from fool (idiot) to fool (jester) and... well, it's just my name now!
i think i'm funny! whether or not i actually am is... somewhat up to interpretation, for the most part.
pronouns are she/her, zey/zir, sev/sevens, and it/its! please mix 'em up :D
variety is the spice of life, etc. etc.
also! i like collecting other names. jester (jess for short), maefly (fly for short), caps (short for bottlecaps, captain, or capitalization), wick (short for wicked), abby (short for asbestos), connie (short for contempt, conniving, or perhaps also conundrum), phobes (my personalization of phobos), pixie, and calvin (like from calvin and hobbes, but also short for an entire seperate list of things) are all veryvery good!!i'll probably answer to fool first - i've used it the longest - but i like all the others too! however i'd prefer if only mutuals/friends/people-i'm-sharing-a-discord-server-with use them,original posts (of which there are few, admittedlty) will be tagged "fool.txt"i don't really have a tagging system outside of putting a tw here and there, but always try to tag discworld posts with "gnu terry pratchett".

there's... a lot! they tend to sort of take turns being the ones i'm obsessed with, but occasionally one will just stick in the brain for a while longer than normal. asks are always welcome but ESPECIALLY about any of these i have so many opinions- anyone's 100% free to send an ask about pretty much any of em, whether its my opinions on it or just asking What It Is, on or off anon.
- Discworld by Terry Pratchett (this one's just a lifelong beloved interest of mine- i'm not thinking about it 24/7, but it takes such a special place in my heart-)
- TF2 (the comics, specifically, but i also love the game!)
- D&D (though i'm only really familiar w/ 5e and- to an admittedly lesser extent- 3.5e, but it's still a beloved interest of mine. other ttrpg systems are good too but d&d is particularly important to me)
- Magic: the Gathering (ravnica's the only plane i know a buncha the lore for but i love the game itself a lot)
- The Adventure Zone (mostly just Balance lol)
- Portal franchise
- Infinity Train
- The Magnus Archives
- The Penumbra Podcast
- Archive 81
- Welcome to Night Vale
- Ace Attorney
- Over the Garden Wall
- Order of the Stick
- What We Do In The Shadows
- dimension 20 fantasy high (currently on sophomore year!)
- The Henry Stickmin collection
- Hadesgame
- Naruto (i'm definitely still near the beginning of it, but i really like it so far and reblog it a lot)
- there's probably more, and i'm prone to reblogging a meme here and there even for stuff i don't know well as long as i get the joke, but these are the major ones!if any of these make you uncomfortable, shoot over an ask to let me know, and i'll try to tag for it in the future!

there's the obvious "you are not welcome anywhere near me if you're a creep/bigot/etc" but most people that fit in those categories don't think of themselves as such. so, more specifically: no pro-shippers, no terfs/radfems, no ace/pan exclusionists, no anti-mogai.
i also support m-spec lesbians/gays, he/him lesbians, and the overall concept that pronouns =/= gender. if you disagree with any of these i'll block you!also as less of a Judgement thing and more of a Personal Comfort thing: dni if you post lots of NSFW/explicit content- nothing against it! just makes me uncomfortable lol